Senin, 24 Agustus 2015


Keep moving forward...

Those are the words that have been running around in my head recently.

No one seems to disagree that life is like a wheel. It is always turning, always revolving. In it, you will experience so many ups and downs, joy and sadness.

Sometimes you'll get hurt, and you will be broken. But if you choose to keep moving, those sad feelings will soon be replaced by joyful experiences.

Time heals almost everything.

The same rule applies to the contrary, however. We couldn't ignore the fact that happiness doesn't last forever. There's no such thing as "live happily ever after" like in a fairy tale stories. But it's not something to worry about though, because that's just how life works.


The words also reminds me of Linkin Park's song titled Easier to Run from Meteora album, which says about quite the opposite. Here's a part of the lyric:

Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back
And never moving forward so there'd never be a past

I'd like to emphasize the phrase "never moving forward". It means to put a stop to the wheel. The person in this song feared the risk of trying to move on: the same awful thing repeats. He closed himself from taking chances, as if there was nothing left of him. It was such a devastating despair he encountered that he associated all of his past to it.

And then it continues in a fragment of the next song, Faint, from the same album:

Time won't heal this damage anymore

At this point, I actually don't know what to say anymore. Consider this as a draft. But if you are experiencing something like this, I guess it's okay to take a break from the moments. Just stop there, try to put yourself back up from pieces. And slowly, turn the wheel again, whenever you're ready.

Photo credit:  Siyan Ren


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